The time of Mobile wall "Big Shark Shout Out in Moscow" is running out
The ocean is fighting for its life. You can be an ocean hero!
But it`s just as hard to be a hero...
So, the week Big Shark Shout Out has ended... We have tried to take feasible part and to tell to people about necessity to rescue sharks.
With our mobile wall we visited people and told about this action and asked them to sign petitions in protection of sharks and to make donations. In total we have collected and have listed today 60 € donation for shark protection.
I want to tell many thanks to employees of Russian center PADI which always help us and support our mad initiatives!!!
Thanks our friends at forums, and for support and signatures on petitions in protection of sharks! Thanks all who didn't remain indifferent and has placed on the photo in Facebook pic badges about participation in the action!
But our mobile wall in protection of sharks hasn't died together with the termination of this week. We will try to use it as it is possible is more often. And also in the near future I plan to receive PADI AWARE Shark Conservation Diver Distinctive Specialty Instructor rating and to tell to all students about conservation of sharks.
Oh... yes! In the evening on Sunday, end of the action we have visited a cinema and have looked a cartoon "Seafood" as children. Julius and Pap - сarry on!