Mobile wall Big Shark Shout Out in Moscow
Moscow, Russia
On Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Moscow will operate the Mobile wall in protection of sharks "Big Shark Shout Out"!
We will try to involve as much as possible people in this action, and to visit as much as possible places where you, your friends, relatives or perhaps neighbors can participate in the action. All that from you is required - naturally in the presence of desire, it to write or call me. You can make any donation on your discretion, beginning from 1 US dollar in favor of one of 4 kinds of sharks participating in the action. Choose who to you it is pleasant - Porbeagle Shark, Great White Shark, Oceanic Whitetip or Scalloped Hammerhead. Write the wishes on a picture with a shark of the chosen type and attach it on a wall in protection of sharks. As you can sign petitions in protection of sharks and certainly be photographed against a wall and receive a label about participation in this action.
Besides the place and meeting time in the days off will be in addition appointed where we can meet, communicate and help our sharks.))) Upon termination of the action all collected means will be listed in favor of Project AWARE. The report on the given action also will be placed on a site More about this action in Russian Sincerely yours Natalia Semenkova
IDC Staff Instructor PADI #257099 e-mail: [email protected]
mobile: +7 926-494-46-73
ICQ: 382-003-562
Skype: natik_123