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World Oceans Day 2021


The sun was shining as divers gathered to join in our World's Oceans Day underwater dive clean up.

Selecting one of our favourite local dive sites within Wellington Harbour - Mahanga Bay.
Mahanga Bay has the remains of an old wharf, a car wreck and as the site of a scientific research station we have a few retired mussel lines. All of these manmade structures provide homes to a great variety of marine life. Common species include leatherjackets, seahorses, stargazers, masking crabs, white anemones, octopus and a conger eel.

Our divers headed out in buddy teams to explore the site and gather rubbish as they went. Fortunately there was not a lot out there but everyone came out with something. We found plenty of fishing line, hooks and sinkers off the point. There were a few old bottles, food wrappers and a cap.

One team helped remove fishing line wrapped around some sea weed and a seahorse! Our best deed of the day.

Once back in shore all rubbish was checked for marine life and we returned plenty of crabs, cushion stars, chitons and a baby octopus were returned safely to the ocean.


From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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