We've Adopted a Dive Site!
Dive Imports is proud to Adopt a Dive Site with Project AWARE!
Harnessing the unique underwater skill set of the scuba diving community, Adopt a Dive Site empowers dive leaders around the globe to engage in ongoing, local protection of our underwater playgrounds. As part of our commitment to Project AWARE’s flagship citizen-science program, Dive Against Debris™,Dive Imports will carry out monthly Dive Against Debris surveys, reporting types and quantities of marine debris found underwater each month from our adopted dive site The Haven Terrigal.
Our repeated marine debris surveys help improve the health of local ocean ecosystems. More importantly, the data we submit to Project AWARE provides much-needed information about marine debris to help drive policy change. Together, Dive Imports Australia and other Adopt a Dive Site participants around the world build a strong and vibrant community of Dive Against Debris activists.