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Waste Management Issues on a Small Tropical Island

The garbage boat sinking in the harbor

There are many advantages to living on a tropical, quiet, simplicity. But, as always in life, with the good comes the bad. Waste management in the Gilis isn't ideal. On some islands they burn all rubbish, faced with nowhere to put it and nothing else to do. In Gili Air, we have a daily garbage boat that collects the island waste and takes it to a proper waste disposal area in Lombok. 

Sadly, however, on August 31 of this year, the garbage boat in Gili Air tipped and all of the garbage spilled into the harbor. Garbage was everywhere: washed up on the beach, floating at the surface, in bags all around the boat, and sinking to the depths below. It was horrifying to watch!

7SEAS quickly organized a Dive Against Debris, a beach clean up, and even sent snorkelers and people on kayaks to help pick up garbage. We were able to remove over 100 kilos that afternoon!

The next afternoon 4 different Gili Air dive shops participated in another beach clean up. 7SEAS did three Dive Against Debris that week and encouraged all dive shops and all those who live on Gili Air to organize a beach clean up to try to remove as much trash from our ocean as possible!

It's great to see the community working together when a disaster strikes to minimize the negative effects on our home and the environment generally!

Thank you Gili Air!

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