Unsustainable Fishing Practices that lead to Sharks Extinctions in the Future

AquaMarine had executed another Webinar titled 'Tackling Threats to Shark Populations' on November 24th, which also marked the end of the Blue Project: 2023 The Webinar Talk series. This event attended by 2 prominent speakers, Dikyah Fadillah who represented BPSPL Denpasar as Marine and Coastal Ecosystem expert and Muhammad Ichsan who is a founder of IMPACT Blue Sea Foundation and also a shark scientist.
Dikyah Fadillah opens the discussion with knowledge about shark protection in Indonesia and laws governing fishing. As he gathered shark catch data, he identified Bali as one of the most regions with shark landings in 2022 among the BPSPL Denpasar operating scope area. He highlighted how varied characteristics of each fish landing in Indonesia affect the different types and results of the shark catch. In general, as a government expert, he supplied many statistics and the unpleasant reality about unsustainable fishing practices around Indonesia, which threaten the marine chain in the future.
Continued by Muhammad Ichsan, who represented the private sector and also a marine scientist in this webinar, besides he provided a data and visual proof, he brought the audiences across Indonesia of different kind of Shark consumption product in different regions based on his experiences. He revealed some approaches of sharks and rays protection and method, and also encouraged how to be involved in preserving the sharks and rays populations.
Although both speakers provided a data and insight, they described the different worldwide from different perspectives and roles. They detail the latest condition in a long-term study of the shark landed.