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three trapped Turtles

freeing three Olive Ridley Turtles

in the first week of March 2017 after a very lovely morning dive in the North Male Atoll we happened to find something rather odd floating on the surface. Spotted from far by our boat captain Mousa were three poor Olive Ridley Turtles trapped on the surface in a freely floating net. Weaponed with a knife I jumped in to free the distressed animals. While the two bigger ones were quickly freed (one of the put up a good fight), their smaller friend was really badly entangled. the only way to get her free was to lift her a bit out of the water and turning her around so that a crew member could cut the lines around her belly. The biggest Turtle dived right away while the other two lingered on the surface for a bit, being obviously very tired from fighting against the net. We fished out the net and so the day came to a happy end this time with all three little fellas freed alive 

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