4月29日,三亚中仁潜水俱乐部在三亚大东海进行了dive against debris的活动。2名潜水员在水下进行了43分钟的水下垃圾清理,共计2.3kg的垃圾被清除。清除的垃圾以生活垃圾为主,但是意想不到的是有一件电子产品被潜水员捡回。
On April 29th, China dive institute conducted a dive against debris activity in Sanya Dadonghai. Two divers underwent a 43-minute underwater garbage cleaning under water, and a total of 2.3 kg of garbage was removed. The garbage that was removed was mainly domestic garbage, but what was unexpected was that an electronic product was taken back by the diver.