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Project Aware Fundraising at Pez Maya

Pez Maya Team

In a dimly lit world full of treachery, deceit, greed, and coercion, a light shines brightly to shield all of this negativity here at GVI’s hub in Pez Maya. On a small and remote research base, located in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Marine Reserve, leaps and bounds are occurring in regards to the marine conservation movement. In particular, the focal point hones in on Project Aware’s Sharks and Rays in Peril Campaign. An NGO similar to GVI, Project Aware is taking part in conservation practices the world over in order to spread awareness, to influence policy, and above all else, to protect marine flora and fauna species that are threatened or endangered. How have we here on base been contributing to this movement and helping with Project Aware’s work do you ask? Well, sit back, relax, and lend a listening ear.

            Over the past two weeks volunteers and staff alike have taken part in multiple challenges ranging from a shark/ray sandcastle building competition, a shark treasure hunt, a silent auction, a lionfish derby, a lionfish cooking competition, and some were even lucky enough to view sharks in their natural habitat during two of the lionfish derby dives. The culmination of these weeks occurred in the form of donations to our charitable trust fund in conjunction with social media awareness. The five teams that were put together each received a collage and cornucopia of photos from their respective entries in the competitions, and they were given the opportunity to post these arrangements to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Not only did this sharing lead to donations from friends and family from innumerable different walks of life around the world, but also more importantly, it helped to educate various individuals who were simply unaware of the trials and tribulations being faced particularly by sharks and rays. The volunteers had the opportunity to watch some eye opening shark documentaries, and although they depicted some disturbing and upsetting imagery and content, it was clear to see that it got the cogs and wheels in everyone’s minds turning in regards to what they could do to help.

            Thus far, we are well on our way to reaching our fundraising goal of 1000 GBP, but we still need your help and support to achieve the ultimate goal. If staff members can wax their chests and be servants for a day to the volunteers in the name of charity, then we hope you can take at least a few minutes of time out of your busy days to donate and spread awareness. In the end, we are the ones who have to live with the oceans of tomorrow. It is up to us whether or not these will be biodiverse oceans teaming with sharks, rays, whales, fish, and coral. If awareness is not spread and if long-lining and overfishing continue along the same trend as they are now, then our future generations will be left with nothing but an ocean lacking biodiversity and devoid of any and all megafauna. A world without sharks and rays is not a world at all, so let us do everything in our power to assure that this does not occur.


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