MEET OUR DIVERS! Diver Profile - Megan Lyndon
Name: Megan Lyndon
Age: 39
Where were you born?: New South Wales, Australia
Profession: Australian Geographic
Children / Fur Babies: Kids - Lionel John (Dog) Blackie (Cat) Elroy (Turtle)
Passions or Hobbies outside of diving: Hanging out with the animals.
When did you start Diving?: 2007
Favourite Dive Site and why?: Edithburgh Jetty, South Australia. It's like Christmas down there.
Most memorable dive and why?: So many memorable, but the dives I will cherish is diving with a remarkable man - Neville Frost (Frosty).
Dream Dive Site on your wish list: Galapagos
Why do you clean up dive?: To help protect the underwater life
If there was one thing you could say about clean up diving what would it be?: You get a feeling your helping the underwater environment.
Thoughts on Environmental Divers?: Selfless people