MEET OUR DIVERS! Diver Profile - Dan Byrnes

Name: Dan Byrnes
Age: 42 yrs
Where were you born?: Perth, Western Australia
Profession: Telecommunications Rigger
Children / Fur Babies: 1 son - Mason. 1 dog - Floyd.
Passions or Hobbies outside of Diving: Being a new Dad and trying to get a Surf in when I get a spare 30 minutes.
When did you start Diving?: I started scuba diving last year in Fiji, a bubbles course with a wreck dive thrown in.
Favourite Dive Site and why?: Don't have a favourite site just yet....
Most memorable dive and why?: The first dive .. breathing underwater .. is the most memorable so far.
Dream Dive Site on your wish list?: At the moment I want to dive the SS Yongala and the HMAS Brisbane Wrecks (Both wrecks are located off the Queensland Coast in Australia)
Why do you Clean Up Dive?: The main reason I started to Clean Up Dive was to get my dive hours up and to get involved with other people passionate about he ocean and all the creatures in it ....
If there was one thing you could say about Clean Up Diving what would it be?: Clean up diving is rewarding knowing that me and other like minded people are making a difference
Thoughts on Environmental Divers?: Top bunch of people getting out there and getting busy.... keep up the good work!