Jetty is Haunted by a Gigantic Ghost Fishing Nets!

On our most recent Dive Against Debris on December 4th, we discovered an abandoned fishing net on The Jetty, our adopted site. Unfortunately, pulling it out of the bottom wasn't easy job. As per last time, it was already our third effort due to limited human sources (diver) and situation. Thus far, we just eliminated one-third of the entire size.
Ghost net is a fishing net that’s been lost or abandoned in the ocean, and it’s legitimately scary for marine life. Discarded ghost nets is a major issue for marine life and sea environments, posing a hazard to a wide range of ocean creatures, both large and small. Although the nets we discovered were not in working position, the fact that a large number of fish and other critters are congregating around the nets is concerning. This might would have profound adverse effects in the future if nobody lifted it from the seabed, because these nets continue to trap everything in their path.
Abandoned ghost nets are also doing considerable damage to marine habitats, these have been proven by the several cases we discovered fishing nets entangled on the Jetty's Gorgonian also known as "The Sea Fan". Fishing nets are made for synthetic fibers, nylon and other plastic compounds that can take hundreds of years to decompose. Surely no need to take month to kill the marine creatures, therefore if the marine creatures got trapped into the ghost net, they will die within any days.
To support our prior efforts to remove the nets, we needed a different type of cutting instrument and two lifting bags, and we were entirely focused on removing the nets. Nonetheless, we are attempting to gradually eliminate the entire fishing nets with a minimum of five divers and a crew boat in order to tackle this marine issue.