
So I’m off today, this will be my main blog for all things fuerteventura, I’ll try and update it daily for you all. See you soon!
First day- so we arrived last night after I had a slightly stressful train journey to the airport after my train terminated early but today we had an early start like all divers do and we did an orientation dive followed by 2 more dives. I went with the lovely current Miss Scuba UK Alexandra Prior for 2 of these dives. On the first dive we saw a pretty big angel shark, a species I’ve never seen while diving before which was super exciting and it was so close! We also saw a few crabs and we dived with Mark Abbott from Bespoke diving adventures while the other girls dives with Mark Duncombe and practiced skills. While on this dive I picked up a small rubber band that had unfortunately found its way into our ocean.
Second dive me and Alex had underwater photos with the excellent Paul Faulkner and then Mark found a rather large octopus which was walking across the sea floor but swam off as we videoed it, this was really special for me as I’ve never seen an octopus out, they’ve always been hid under a rock with only the odd arm sticking out. I also collected a large amount of broken ceramic off the sea bed after making sure there were no species growing on it.
Third dive we saw another smaller octopus and I had a couple more photos with Paul, Jill Faulkner and Sue Booth also came with us however Alex had other things to do so didn’t come.
Tomorrow we’re doing two dives, 1 boat dive and one dive against debris dive and I can’t wait
Day 2- So I had to abandoned the boat dive as due to a bit of congestion I couldn't get down, totally guttered about that but I didn't want to risk hurting my ears and not being able to do the dive against debris dive. So in the afternoon we did 3 20 minute dive against debris dives in the harbour, and the things we found were unbelievable like deck chairs, mop heads, winter coats, brooms and many more unusual objects. This dive really opened my eyes to ALL the litter that makes its way into our oceans, I was so shocked and I wasn't expecting that as being a Marine Biology student its what I study, but even I didn't realise to what extent until I saw it for myself. I really enjoyed collecting all the rubbish and I'd love to do more as I found it great fun searching and finding the waste and bringing it up even if the visibility was so bad at points you could even see the bottom. Below is photos of what we collected and getting ready for the dives, enjoy.
Day 3- Non diving day. Day 3 we aren't diving instead its all photoshoots with Paul in our sponsored gear, Thanks to MARES, HEAD and UWAHU for everything. Today has been great so far we've done all our photoshoots which was great fun. We started with the HEAD swimwear one piece at 8am this morning on the beach, then the HEAD two piece and MARES fins and mask and a cylinder, then the MARES wetsuits which actually are one of the nicest wetsuits I've worn and finally the UWAHU vest tops. Later tonight we will be having our interviews and a presentation from Mark @bespokedivingadventures and Alex about her year as Miss Scuba UK! can't wait!!! Sneak peak photo below taken by the lovely Jaime-Lee. So Marks presentation about diving with sharks, Angel sharks in particular was incredible. It was so interesting and I genuinely wish he could give some of our lectures at uni. Alex has had an incredible year as Miss Scuba UK 2017/2018 and her presentation was lovely and she even gave us all a little gift as did Mark.
Tomorrow we're being taught to be MERMAIDS!!! Actually a childhood dream and I probably wont sleep tonight because of excitement. I'm loving every minute of my Miss Scuba UK journey so far and I never want it to end.
Day 4- Mermaids and one dive. In the morning we did one boat dive which was incredible and my ears didn't hurt! then in the afternoon we were taught how to free dive as mermaids and I loved every minute it was actually a dream come true and so much fun and we went into the sea and took loads of video footage which I will post when I get it. I was an orange yellow mermaid which went perfect with my bikini and we did underwater somersaults, blew kisses and dived down. Pictures below! In the evening Mark from Bespoke diving adventures and his lovely wife Charlotte took us all for a meal at Faro Rock steak house which was a lovely evening and gorgeous food.
Day 5- Today we did three dives including a night dive. In the morning we went to the house reef and did an underwater photoshoot with Sarah Miss Scuba UK 2015, Paul took several photos in different locations and we had to fluff our hair out and not breath out while he was taking the photos. In the afternoon me and Lucy went on the boat to dive to find Sand Tiger Shark teeth, We went next to a little cave where they lay at night and sifted through the sand till we found some teeth that they had shed, we also saw lots of Moray Eels on this dive. Then at 6 we had another beach photoshoot in the very comfortable Mares Flex 3mm wetsuits with our HEAD gear bikini underneath, Can't wait to see these photos but I've got a few sneak peaks below. After the photoshoot we headed back to Deep Blue Diving centre for our night dive, the night dive was incredible we saw loads of Octopus, a rather large Angel Shark and an Eagle Ray! I filmed most of the dive to show you what a night dive is like. As we came up from the dive the other divers brought a birthday cake down with candles in as its Mark Duncombe's birthday next week which was so funny.
Tomorrow is a chill day then the awards ceremony! It seems to have gone so fast and I don't want to leave