Dive Against Debris - May 18 2021 - Kaş, TurkeyShareFacebookTwitterShareEmail updates By Omerbirol18 May, 2021We have organized a Dive Against Debris event in Kaş on May 18th 2021. 6 divers attended and we have collected 127kgs of debris. Details on: https://www.projectaware.org/debris-data/lighthouse-reef-kas-turkeyRelated LinksMore on the Dive Against Debris survey in Kaş, Turkeyhttps://www.nautilusdivingkas.com/post/nautilus-diveagainstdebrissurvey
More on the Dive Against Debris survey in Kaş, Turkeyhttps://www.nautilusdivingkas.com/post/nautilus-diveagainstdebrissurvey