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Debris Free, the show must go on!

dive instructors and even babies join the Debris Free Beach Cleanup!

I last posted about the first ever Debris Free Thursday Malapascua that we started on February 23rd of this year. How happy I am to inform you that 10 months later... the show goes on!

There has not been one single Thursday without the Debris Free Thursday happening. Even in May, when it was raining cats and dogs, a little group met up to do some cleaning up. Thanks to the NGO People and the Sea (funded by PADI dive instructors!!!), what was at the beginning a small initiative from my wife and I, became a weekly event on the island, just like going to sing QUEEN in the local karaokes, or meeting up at Hippocampus bar on a Saturday night! We meet at 4:30pm for one hour of beach and street clean-up and then, returning to the hosting business, we share a refreshment and sometimes they even extend the gesture by offering us some pizza or cakes! Every week, volunteers, diving instructors or dive masters, know where to meet. But every week as well, new tourist join our cause. We know that the word will continue to spread as each of those passer-by joining us and sharing common interest with us will go on to share the activity.

We are proud to see that a drop in the ocean...can move the ocean !

Thank you to every one helping us make the DEBRIS FREE THURSDAY MALAPASCUA a fun thing to do.

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