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Coral Gardener Workshop

Coral nursery

Corals is the main source of Oxygen to our earth. During the workshop, we introduce the important of corals in our marine eco-systems and to our earth, in order of making it more fun for the participant, we highlighted the important of the shark and clean-up of debris for the 2 days events.

Coral gardener's participants are 5divers & 1 non diver(by snorkelling), 1 open water diver, 2 advanced diver, 2 dive masters. There were more application to join the program, but didn't meet the requirement of minimum of 50 logged dive + excellence buoyancy control(apply to all divers but not non diver as they will be joining by snorkelling, in this case, excellence swimming skills and stamina is needed), this is for the purpose of 'to avoid damage more than what you save'. For the future workshop/ course, we will put the safety and excellence buoyancy as priority.

The List of the participants:

1. Andy Lua - Coral Gardener Trainer

2. Kevin Looi - Dive master level

3. LaiYee - Dive master Level

4. Carmen - Advanced diver

5. Angel - Open water diver

6. Ms. Cola- Non diver

At the end of the workshop, we managed to generate funding of appx. US$150 as the donation from the participants toward building a school funds in the future. This program is offered as monthly basis at the moment and in plan, it will be on weekly basis in the near future.

For further details of what we are doing as part of conservation, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

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