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Worldwide Call for Plastic Bag Free Games

Project AWARE News

It's one of the greatest shows on earth: the Olympic Games 2012. 10,500 athletes from around the world descend on London for the next 19 days of competitions, tears and triumphs as they go for gold. Let the games begin.

But as well as the athletes, London also play host to the hundreds of thousands of spectators, Olympic organisers, media, businesses, politicians, caterers - the list goes on. London will be a hive of action, pumping and buzzing with energy and adrenaline.

Yet with all this excitement comes a darker side. If you put lots of people together what do they produce? Waste. The plastic food container, the drinks carton and, possibly the worst of its kind to any sea turtle in our ocean, the plastic bag. Excess packaging and excess consumption equates to a massive throwaway culture. 

We all know that the 'stuff' we produce, consume and use harms our delicate marine environment and the very life within it. That's why Project AWARE Foundation have signed on the call for the London 2012 to be a Plastic Bag Free Games. 

We've joined with 50 global and local leaders, including Sir David Attenborough, Dame Vivienne Westwood, Zac Goldsmith MP and the Campaign to Protect Rural England. Under the Greener upon Thames umbrella we call for a plastic bag free London 2012. We urge all of us to say no to plastic bags during London 2012. The Olympic Games provides a perfect opportunity to raise awareness that there really is no ‘away’ to throwaway plastics.

Zac Goldsmith, co-Patron of Greener Upon Thames, says: “Plastic bags cause immense damage throughout the world, and absolutely symbolise the mindlessness of our throwaway society. Visitors to the Olympics have an opportunity to show that life without throwaway bags is perfectly possible.”

Bill McKibben, author: ‘Somehow the ancient Greeks managed to hold the Olympics successfully without plastic bags; let's hope London emulates their example, and earns a medal in sustainability.’

Each time we head underwater we are spectators in nature's own amazing, diverse and exhiliarating show. Yet the ocean is battling a very different kind of game. And its competitor is us.

So as the runners head to their starters blocks we will cheer and shout for a Plastic Bag Free Games wherever we live, dive or watch the Olympic games. 

You can join us by signing the petition for a Plastic Bag Free Games.

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