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Is Project AWARE Your Charity of Choice?

Community Actions

Wavecrest Scuba, Newquay in the UK are fantastic supporters of Project AWARE. I catch up with IDC Staff Instructor and owner Mark Rayner to find out more.


Mark, out of the blue Project AWARE received an amazing £700 donation to support ocean protection. This is a great boost to our fundraising, thank you so much. Can you tell us a little more, how did this donation come about?

My friend Matt’s 5 year old boy Joe lost his battle for life in 2008.  Joe never stopped smiling and his strength was an inspiration to everyone.  The Joe Way Paddle for Life fundraiser is dear to our hearts. It raises awareness of Joe’s story and inspires people to raise money for their chosen charity.  Project AWARE is one of our charities of choice.

The £700 donation for Project AWARE is thanks to a successful Mayor's Ball in Newquay. It was held on behalf of the Joe Way Trust.  At Wavecrest Scuba we’re privileged to be a small part of this heartwarming and important appeal and proudly carry Joe's message as often as possible. 

As divers we are also deeply concerned about the plight of our aquatic eco-systems and with this in mind, we are happy to work in partnership with Project AWARE. 

Your donation will be put to good use to keep our ocean free of rubbish and stop plastics from harming marine animals. Why is this important to you?

I’ve seen the devastating affect plastic has on marine life around our shore. Discarded nets washed up full of dead sealife.  Fish caught in beer can holders. Our seals, struggling with discarded fishing hooks caught in their sides. It needs to be stopped and we are in a fantastic position as divers to promote this.
What else does Wavecrest Scuba do to make a difference?

Whenever we dive we’re always on the lookout for discarded line, plastic, fishing weights and other rubbish that people throw away without thinking about it. We teach our student divers to be considerate of the marine environment. We encourage divers to take the Peak Performance Buoyancy course. We also ask them to pick up anything that shouldn't be there, from shopping bags to car tyres.

Once we’ve shown people the damage rubbish can do they are more passionate about recycling and pass the message along to friends and family too.
Thanks so much Mark and Wavecrest Scuba – fantastic AWARE ambassadors!  

Interested in fundraising? Check out Project AWARE’s fundraising ideas and help raise much needed funds for the ocean you love.

To make a donation go to

Thank You


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