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Ocean Love

Community Actions

Valentine’s Day is around the corner and ocean love is in the air at the local markets in Queensland Australia. Avid scuba diver Helen Mayo loves everything about the ocean and so this year her new business Ocean Adornments was born.  Helen has already been out and about at markets in Australia showcasing her beautiful jewellery and promoting AWARE’s 10 Tips for Divers to Protect the Ocean Planet.

Did we say beautiful jewellery? Check it out this Valentine’s Day.

The Project AWARE 10 Tips for Divers encourages everyone to buy green, buy local and buy less.  For special occasions who can resist hand crafted unique gifts from the heart.

“My jewellery is handmade from the heart and all the pieces are ocean themed. I had the idea as I'm an avid scuba diver and love anything to do with the ocean. I would like to make a difference by contributing towards your amazing cause through selling my jewellery,” said Helen.

“I have thought thoroughly about the impact of my jewellery on the environment down to the recycled brown paper bags I will be using as packaging,” adds Helen.

Helen hopes to make everyday people aware of the impact we have on the ocean and inspire people to make a difference. Her jewellery is the perfect gift for someone special and a percentage of sales will support marine conservation. Thank you, Helen for choosing to protect the ocean with Project AWARE. 

What can you do?

Help Helen reach 150 likes on Facebook or purchase that perfect Valentine's gift

For more gift ideas and online shopping websites giving a percentage of the sales to Project AWARE visit the AWARE Shop on Pinterest.

You can download Projects AWARE’s Ten Tips for Divers.

From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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