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Kick the Can and Help Save Marine Life

Project AWARE News

Every day divers remove harmful rubbish from our ocean and beverage containers are one of the top items found during Dive Against Debris surveys around the world. It’s time to Kick the Can.

Australians have the opportunity to show their support for a national Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) – a 10c refundable deposit on beverage containers that will stop 80% of disposable containers entering the ocean and killing our precious marine life.

Australia's Environment Ministers are meeting this month to make a decision. Please send your State’s Environment Minister a message showing your support for a national Container Deposit Scheme and make sure your voice is heard. Let them know you want to see clean beaches and healthy ocean environments and that you want an effective recycling scheme. Together we can do this.

Every year 8 billion drink containers in Australia are landfilled or littered left to find their way into the ocean. That’s 15,000 cans and bottles trashing the marine environment every minute!

It’s choking our marine life – that’s why the Boomerang Alliance – 27 of Australia’s leading environmental groups, including Project AWARE, are joining forces as part of the ‘Kicking the Can’ campaign to call on the Government to implement a national Container Deposit Scheme in Australia.

“It’s so depressing seeing the amount of rubbish entering the ocean choking our marine life. It would be even more depressing not to do anything about it. Please support the CDS today and help avert the marine debris crisis,”  says Hannah, Project AWARE’s Program and Outreach Coordinator. “It’s a crucial step to take in order to have a trash free ocean”.

Thanks for taking action.

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