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Getting Ready with #Divers4SharksNRays for CITES CoP17

Image of #Divers4SharksNRays sign with diving tanks
Project AWARE News

Like most scuba divers, I'm a big shark and ray lover!  I have been lucky enough to see a few underwater - manta ray, hammerhead, reef sharks -  but I haven't experienced yet the thrill of an encounter with the majestic devil rays or the amazing thresher shark. 

With so many threats facing these stunning shark and ray species, encounters are becoming rare and concern is growing for their very survival. This is why I’m joining #Divers4SharksNRays - Project AWARE’s latest photo campaign in the fight to save sharks and rays at risk.

In just a few weeks, I will head to the 17th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES CoP17), in South Africa, to join Project AWARE's shark conservation partners and represent the voice of the dive community. Our goal? Secure adoption of CITES Appendix II proposals for nine species of devil rays, three species of thresher sharks and the silky shark.

But our work has already started! In close collaboration with Shark Advocates International, the Shark Trust and other NGO partners, Project AWARE is engaging with relevant governments from leading supporting countries and from select undecided countries to achieve the two-thirds majority support needed for Appendix II listing - resulting in status reviews and trade controls for the shark and ray species up for consideration at CITES CoP17.

We know from previous historic advances in international shark and ray conservation that the dive community can contribute to helping win protections for vulnerable shark and ray species but your continued support is needed to ensure international trade does not threaten their survival. Join me and other #Divers4SharksNRays advocates today – our collective voice can help bring a positive outcome for sharks and rays at CITES and beyond.

Learn more about why CITES is important for shark conservation and visit to see how you can get involved.

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