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End is Near for Finn and Finley’s Sharks on Tour Adventures

Project AWARE News

On World Oceans Day 08th June 2012, Project AWARE mascots, Finn and Finley, will return to the Project AWARE office where their touring adventures started a year ago. What a year it’s been!

From the United Kingdom to Kenya, South Africa to the Dominican Republic, Canada to Australia, Thailand to the United Arab Emirates and many city trips in between including Paris, Milan, Anvers, Finn and Finley relentlessly spread the shark love and raised awareness of dwindling sharks populations moving adults and children alike to speak up for sharks.

Since Finn and Finley started their journey on World Oceans Day 2011 over 102,400 people added their names to the Project AWARE Give Sharks a Fighting Chance petition giving a very loud and clear message to global policy makers that divers and shark enthusiasts are demanding trade protection for the most vulnerable shark species.

“An ever increasing appetite for shark fin from the East and by-catch from every other direction, is putting the world’s shark population in serious peril. Only through action inspired by awareness can we change this tide and it is this awareness which Finn and Finley are promoting as they travel their way around the world” commented PADI Course Director Richard Swann.

Travelling all around the globe from one dive centre to another was great fun, not only for Finn and Finley but for all the dive centres who overwhelmingly embraced the Sharks on Tour campaign and welcomed Finn and Finley to their dive centres fitting shark events and activities into their busy schedule.

“I was awarded with one of them to take to Ban's Diving Resort in Koh Tao to spread the message about saving the sharks. There are only two in the world, so it's a great honour to have been selected on this mission... This is sooo cool!” said Marcel Van Den Berg, Ban’s Diving Resort, Thailand when he was handed over Finley.

As part of their adventures, Finn and Finley went kite surfing, visited schools and took part in dive courses and specialties such as the AWARE Shark Conservation Diver course. They attended dive shows, festivals, and even a Press Conference. They met PADI professionals at Instructor Examinations, PADI Business Academy Seminars, and Course Director Training Courses making new friends and rallying strong support for shark conservation in all corners of the globe.

Finn and Finley will return to the Project AWARE office on World Oceans Day for a well deserved rest. The success of their touring adventures will go a long way in driving us to fight the good fight and keep up the pressure on politicians, not only for the future of sharks, but for our oceans.

Sharks on Tour ends but you haven’t seen the end of our very popular mascots who will continue to make appearances at dive shows, fundraisers and other Project AWARE events.

A big THANK YOU goes to all the dive centres and Finn and Finley Shark on Tour friends for their support and commitment to protecting sharks. One year of adventure, well worth celebrating!

From all of us at Project AWARE,
Thank you and Happy World Oceans Day 2012!


Sharks on Tour

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