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Divers Celebrate Ocean Month with their Fins On and Off

Project AWARE News

With each breath we take, we're connected to the ocean. It provides food, regulates our climate, gives us oxygen and acts as our planet's life support system, yet only a fraction is protected. As divers, we know that tackling two of the biggest threats facing our ocean – marine debris and over-exploitation of shark and ray species – is a real challenge. We see these issues first-hand, but they give us the drive and determination to take action for ocean protection - fins on and off.

Ocean Month, this June, provides a unique opportunity to recognize the urgent conservation efforts needed to protect sharks and rays, as well as the numerous other marine species that fall victim to marine debris each year. Taking action and fundraising for ocean protection has never been so urgent!

The 17th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES CoP17) – to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa - is coming up fast! Our behind the scenes work has already started and we’re putting the final touches to a three-month long campaign to urge countries that are a member to CITES to vote YES for sharks and rays. But we need your support!

This World Oceans Day, June 8, and National Oceans Month rise to the challenge of fundraising for ocean protection with a Finathon® - the ultimate way divers can support ocean protection - fins on and off.

Project AWARE’s first global Finathon® launched in 2012 as a swimming challenge to raise funds and awareness to protect vulnerable shark and ray species. Since then, Finathon® events have spanned the globe with supporters not only putting their fins on to swim to end shark finning, but also taking part in many other exciting “fins off” challenges such as cycling across Europe, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, or even shaving for sharks or donating their birthday.

Ocean protection depends on our actions, large and small. Now, more than ever before, divers are taking a stand for conservation. Take part in a Finathon® challenge of your choice to help Project AWARE:

  • Fight to stop the Ugly Journey of our Trash
  • Insist on full protections for the most vulnerable shark and ray species
  • Negotiate stronger policies to ensure a brighter future for our ocean and its wildlife.

Shark fishing continues to be largely unregulated around the world. Overfishing, bycatch and finning – slicing off a shark's fins and discarding the body at sea - kills thousands of sharks every day. Our trash underwater poses a serious threat to marine species and damages vital underwater habitats such as coral reefs and seagrass beds.

This World Oceans Day and National Oceans Month, choose how you will support ocean protection and help us tackle some of the biggest challenges our ocean and its wildlife face.

A healthy ocean is free of trash and full of sharks and rays – Start or join a Finathon® to help secure a brighter future for our ocean planet.

Visit to kick off your Finathon® - fins on or off - this National Oceans Month and beyond!

Created with flickr slideshow.

From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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