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Diver Cycles Across Europe to Help End Shark Finning

Community Actions

This July, Project AWARE is looking for Finathon™ Champions to join the race to protect sharks. Amongst the many divers and dive centres who have responded to our call to raise awareness and challenge funds to support shark conservation so far, Lucas Schmitz is definitely going the extra mile.

From July 06th, Lucas will embark on a Cycling Trip across Europe to make it loud and clear that we need to put an end to the unsustainable killing of sharks before it's too late.

For every single pound that he can raise he will go 2 miles by bike. Lucas is hoping to raise enough funds to go from Germany to Portugal but how far he goes in spreading awareness of the plight of sharks depends on you and your generosity. 

“I will go across France, Spain and Portugal and show everyone along the way that people from all around the world want sharks in the ocean not in a bowl of soup, extinction is not an option” he comments.

Along the way, Lucas will visit dive centres who have agreed to support his journey. First on the map is Bubble & Dive in Belgium where he's expected to arrive during the second week of July. Lucas is calling on all dive centres willing to support his journey to contact him so he can add them to his Cycle4Sharks tour map.

Like many divers, Lucas has personally witnessed the rapid decline of some shark populations and he is determined to do something about it. Thanks to his determination and passion, Lucas has not only sparked media interest with a few radio interviews and press articles but he has also secured support from Scubapro and IQ Company in Germany.

"Our first Champion Lucas Schmitz signed up to our Finathon™ Challenge with passion in the first week. At first he just wanted to raise funds online but now he’s on an amazing journey cycling across Europe" commented Joanna McNamarra, Project AWARE Development and Communications Specialist. "We're excited to follow Lucas' journey and wish him a safe Cycle4Sharks tour".

If you want to support Lucas Finathon Challenge by making a donation you can do so by clicking here or via his dedicated blog Cycle4Sharks.

Want to take part? Find out more at and download the Finathon Action Kit.

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