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Celebrating 20 Years of Ocean Protection with You

Project AWARE News

Project AWARE turned 20 this October – that’s when we received the official nonprofit charity status. And we’re kicking off the celebration with you. First stop? The DEMA Show 2012 from 14-17 November in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. If you're a dive professional attending the show, stop by and help launch the next decade of ocean protection. We can’t do it without you!

Step Inside the Photo Booth – Say cheese! The 20 year celebration begins by asking you to share your views on ocean protection. What does it mean to you to have a clean, healthy ocean planet?

100 for 100% AWARE – More than 100 dive centers and resorts globally are putting ocean protection at the heart of their business with 100% AWARE. We’re asking for our biggest supporters to commit to 100% AWARE at DEMA Show and they’ll walk away with a limited edition manta hoodie amongst other materials to show their support.

Continuing the Celebration in the Mini-Seminar Room:
20 Years of Protecting Our Ocean Planet – One Dive at a Time
Presenter: Alex Earl, Executive Director, Project AWARE Foundation
Join Project AWARE as we celebrate 20 years of ocean victories. We’ll discuss trends in the ocean movement, embrace the challenges ahead and explore how to meet them together. The time for ocean protection is now.

Sharks: Stop the Vanishing Act
Presenter: Ania Budziak, Science and Policy Officer, Project AWARE Foundation
Is it too late to save sharks? In this lively session we’ll share what it’s like to be in the trenches fighting for sharks. We’ll discuss the realities, strategies and varied tactics to protect shark species and how to magnify the power of our unique diver voice for change.

Thank you for your support over the last 20 years – we’re looking forward to another decade of ocean protection with you. Stay tuned for even stronger ways to take action for the ocean in 2013.

From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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