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Celebrate the Olympics with Scuba Heroes

Community Actions

On the eve of the Olympics Opening Ceremony, let's celebrate scuba divers who RUN! Sarah Mayers, a Brisbane Divemaster and Andy Wellsted, Course Director and Manager of Tangalooma Dive on Moreton Island are taking on the Brisbane to Bridge Challenge this September.

Sarah’s been busy educating her work colleagues about the wonders of scuba diving and the need to protect the ocean.  She’s passionate about making more people aware and hopes they will spread the word and contribute to the cause.  

Being scuba divers, we’ve seen firsthand damage caused to reefs and fishlife around the world. We want everyone to be passionate about saving ocean life from destruction.

When I’m training  I listen to the kookuburra's and watch the sun rise. I daydream about scuba diving in a world where global warming and pollution are under control and sharing it with our children when they are old enough to dive. The underwater world is phenomenal! We need to protect it,” says Sarah.

Good luck to Sarah, Andy and their team of runners. 

Will you be watching the Olympians in August? Sponsoring a fellow diver to run for the ocean? Or taking on a challenge yourself to raise much needed funds?  If you'd like to join a challenge check out  some of the biggest races coming up around Australia and fundraise through Everyday Hero

Choose your race, choose Project AWARE, choose the ocean.


From the My Ocean Community

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