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Best Fishes for a Happy Holiday Season

Project AWARE News

When we step back and think about how much we have achieved this year, we realise that none of it would have been possible without support and dedication from you and the awe inspiring diving community.

We are so grateful for your commitment to saving the ocean planet, and on behalf of all of us, the Board of Directors, Project AWARE staff and of course the ocean we are working to protect, a big THANK YOU.

Throughout the last year, working side by side with you, we have:

  • Removed vast amounts of debris from the ocean
  • Recorded vital debris data
  • Shouted Out Loud for sharks, pushing our total signature count for the Give Sharks a Fighting Chance petition to 84,000
  • Made great strides in policy change ranging globally from Europe to Florida
  • Dived into action in all corners of the globe to confront two key ocean issues – sharks in peril and marine debris
  • Built a powerful community of eco-aware divers on My Ocean: an online network for us all to share our experiences and talk about our environmental activities.

Together we tell an ongoing story - a story about the drive, the passion for the underwater world and the urgent need for a return to a healthy and abundant ocean life.

In 2012, we hope to carry on this momentum and take ocean protection to a whole new level, with you on board we know we can achieve this!

Best Fishes to you all this Holiday Season!Holiday Card

From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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