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Bain & Company Dive Against Debris

project aware group photo
Community Actions

Marine litter is damaging and costly. Commitments to reduce debris globally are being made but data on marine debris is seriously lacking. Volunteers from Bain & Company, Sydney Australia have chosen to be part of the solution. They organized a Community Impact Day with 17 employees and Dive Centre Manly.

“The Project AWARE Dive Against Debris event was a full success and people keep talking about it. I submitted the data online, but I also created an infographic showing the composition of marine debris items we found on Friday. More than 40% of items we found were plastic – the silent killer of the ocean,” said Jürg Kronenberg, Consultant Bain & Company

When you Dive Against Debris you see first-hand how rubbish is trashing our ocean planet.  But the good news is scuba divers are change-makers.  This year divers have removed more than 40,000kgs of trash from the ocean.  And Project AWARE Foundation is the voice of the dive community at an international level keeping marine debris issues at the top of ocean policy agendas. 

Together we can make our wish for a clean and healthy ocean planet a reality. What’s your ocean wish this holiday season? If you share our vision please consider a gift to the Ocean Wish Appeal. Our corporate partner PADI will match your gift for the ocean dollar for dollar up to $20,000 by December, 31st.

“My ocean wish is that on my next Dive Against Debris, I’ll find almost no plastic! Each of us has to contribute to this by saying no to plastic (bags, cutlery, packaging) and recycling as much as possible! I want to see people getting annoyed when they walk on a beach and see rubbish. I want them to pick it up, I want them to tell other people not to leave their waste and finally I want people to appreciate the beauty of our oceans and do everything to protect them.” Jürg Kronenberg, Consultant Bain & Company.

A big thanks to Bain & Company volunteers and all the divers, snorkelers and boat crews involved in Dive Against Debris across the world.

From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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