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Atlantis Dive Centre, Dubai - Inspires the Next Wave for Change

Community Actions
Soon World Ocean Day June 8th will reach out to young people to inspire them to protect our ocean planet.  The theme for 2012 is Youth: the Next Wave for Change.

Project AWARE dive leaders are one step ahead.  This April saw Atlantis Dive Centre, Dubai inspire high school children to be the next wave for change. 

Atlantis Dive Centre’s Week Without Walls Program gave 40 youngsters the opportunity to learn to dive. During the week they also took part in 'Dive Against Debris,' AWARE Coral Conservation Specialty and the new AWARE Shark Conservation Distinctive Specialty Course.

 “It has been an incredible week. The young divers are having fun and learning.  For many they took their first breaths underwater.  The certified divers completed the AWARE Shark Conservation Course and enjoyed diving every day,” said Jason Sockett, General Manager Atlantis Dive.

One third of pelagic (open ocean) sharks and rays are threatened with extinction, and more than 38 million sharks are killed for their fins every year. Students learn about the threats facing sharks and are encouraged to become champions for shark conservation. 

The students diving experiences gave them a desire to protect our ocean planet. All the students plan to create their own 'My Ocean Profile’ to keep sharing their personal conservation actions online.

Inspiring Others to Help Sharks

After taking part in the Atlantis' Week Without Walls program and the AWARE Shark Conservation Diver Specialty, four students Anna, Nina, Sara, Nikita were inspired to educate others about the perils our shark face. They presented to over 600 children at the GEMS World Academy, Dubai, UAE.

Thanks to Atlantis Dive Centre Dubai – dive leaders extraordinaire!

This World Ocean Day, 8 June 2012- Teach the AWARE Shark Conservation Specialty Course and inspire the Next Wave for Change. You can download resources from the Shark Action Kit.

From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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