Kids Conservation Zone!
Conservation Wordsearch and Coloring In Sheet
Download and print out our double-sided Underwater themed coloring in sheet complete with facts about our Ocean Planet as well as a Wordsearch and rubbish hunt.

Ugly Journey of Our Trash
Follow the Ugly Journey of Our Trash from inland, right out to our ocean and discover how our rubbish threatens marine life. Watch the video and why not create your own Ugly Journey of Our Trash poster!
10 Tips Action Kit
The 10 Tips for Divers to Protect the Ocean Planet are great tips for all divers and ocean lovers to follow whatever their age. There are signs that can be printed out to take photos. Or choose your favorite tip and make your own posters and signs, for example how you would be a role model for others.
Single Use Plastics
Learn how to say goodbye to single-use plastics. Join the global movement of ocean lovers giving up single-use plastic to #BeatPlasticPollution. Together our small changes will have a big impact on our ocean planet. If you can’t reuse it. Refuse it! Sign the pledge and then list what would be the easiest things in your home that you could change to reduce your single-use plastics.
Library of videos
Project AWARE have many different videos to watch on our YouTube channel. Videos about Project AWARE, Marine Debris, Sharks & Rays, and many more.
Check out our Kids Conservation Zone YouTube Video Playlist.
Feel free to use the PowerPoint lesson guides for both our Dive Against Debris® and AWARE Shark Conservation Specialties. Download to use the slides and tailor to the age group you are teaching. The Lesson Guides don’t need to be used solely for teaching the specialties, raising awareness in people especially children is just as important.
The Dive Against Debris® Lesson Guide can be found within the Dive Against Debris® Specialty Course Toolkit and the AWARE Shark Conservation Lesson Guides can be found within the AWARE Shark Conservation Specialty Course Toolkit.
Print out this colorful certificate of recognition for all the AWARE Kids that are looking after our oceans.
Go AWARE Kids - Keep up the good work!!
Kids Conservation Partners & Projects