First conservation night at Oceans 5 dive resort Gili Islands
Oceans dive resort has organized 2 conservation night. Yesterday was the first night!
The speakers were:
Brendon and Liz from the Shark Guardians and Delphine Robbe from the Gili Eco Trust.
The Night started with the presentation of Delphine. She explained how important it was to have a Gili Eco Trust on the other 2 Gili Islands. So if you know someone let Delphine knows.
The Second presentation was done by Brendon and Liz of Shard Guardians. The presentation was amazing and gave a lot of important information about sharks.
Most important of all was there were between the 60-70 people attending. Instructors, Divemasters, Guides, tourist, divers and other. Thank you all for your support!
Oceans 5 dive resort will create every 2 months a event like this. So be aware, but be more aware about the environment!