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Shark League Sets Out Priorities for ICCAT Annual Meeting this Month

image of mako shark Copyright Tomas Kotouc Wildscreen
Project AWARE News

Shark League logo

The Shark League coalition has written to all countries due to attend the upcoming annual meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) to encourage action toward more responsible fisheries management for Atlantic sharks.

We are particularly concerned about the lack of sound fishing limits as well as the inadequacy of compliance with existing measures and reporting of catch data.

We are asking for ICCAT measures to improve the outlook for highly migratory Atlantic sharks, specifically:

  • A stronger finning ban through a requirement that sharks be landed with fins attached;
  • A prohibition on retention in addition to bycatch mitigation for Shortfin Mako Sharks; and
  • Catch limits for Blue Sharks.

See our letter for more information.

image of read letter button

Photo courtesy of Tomas Kotouc - Wildscreen Exchange

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