Say Goodbye to Single-Use Plastic Today

There are lots of alternatives to single-use plastic out there to keep up with our busy lives. Here are our top 5 tips to say goodbye to single-use and #BeatPlasticPollution.
Get yourself a reusable drink bottle
It is estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish (by weight). By drinking from a reusable water bottle, you’ll be able to clench your thirst whilst leaving the ocean's waters for the fish. Win for you. Win for the ocean.
Carry a bag
It’s easy to get caught out whilst running to the shops. Get in the habit of taking a bag with you whenever you head out, slip one in your handbag or your pocket so you don’t have to juggle your shopping home. A recent article revealed that single-use plastic has been found in the World’s deepest ocean trench!
Say hello to bamboo cutlery
Single-use plastic doesn’t just enter the ocean from coastal areas, The Ugly Journey Of Our Trash shows rubbish travel over land, down streams, rivers and storm drains to the ocean. So next time you’re enjoying some tasty treats from a food stall or grabbing lunch on the go, refuse the single-use cutlery and use an alternative like bamboo.
Drink the coffee, keep the cup
No one is asking you to give up your caffeine fix on a Monday morning, but not using a throwaway coffee cup could make a big difference to the ocean. Every year 16 billion takeaway cups are used in Europe alone! Help reduce plastic in the ocean with every sip from your reusable cup.
Stop sucking
You might enjoy sucking your beverage through a plastic straw but sea turtles don’t. Turtles and other marine species consume plastic accidentally or when they mistake it for food. They can also become entangled in plastics leading to fatal consequences. There are alternatives such as bamboo, metal or paper so you can suck to your heart’s content and keep the sea turtles happy at the same time.
Join the global movement of ocean lovers giving up single-use plastic to #BeatPlasticPollution. Together our small changes will have a big impact on our ocean planet. If you can’t reuse it. Refuse it!
Want more tips? Add your name to the #NoExcuseForSingleUse pledge and we’ll show you tips that make saying “no” to plastics easy. Join the conversation online and share your own tips to say goodbye to single-use plastics!
Our friends at PADI Gear have curated a collection of plastic free alternatives designed specifically for the diver. From compostable plastic phone cases to beeswax wraps for your snacks on the boat, you can show the ocean some love while saving yourself some cash as well. Use code: PLASTICFREE20 to get 20% off all plastic free alternatives. Free shipping on all orders that contain plastic free alternatives.