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Wreck Dive, cleaning off fishing nets, Pondicherry, India

Wreck with nets, ready to clean up and dive!
Puducherry, India

11.908302658391, 79.827531988468

A new large trawler wreck dive, located from 25 - 34m depth, 15km off the coast of Pondicherry (1 hour boat ride on our dive boats). Let's head out and clean up the nets, to ensure safety for both the divers and marine life which visit and inhabit this beautiful dive site. 

Debris Found

Day 1

A total 21.9 kg of debris was recovered. Primarily, this included the following:

- 25 Buoys & Floats (plastic & Foamed) weighing 0.1 kg
- Around 10 Fishing Lines weighing 2 kg
- Around 15 Fishing Nets and other pieces of Nets weighing 13.6 kg
- 5 thick Plastic Ropes weighing 4.5 kg

- 8 small sinkers, 8 big sinkers and 6 hooks weighing a total of 1.6kg

Day 2

A total 2.4 kg of debris was recovered. Primarily, this included the following:

- 4 Fishing Lines weighing around 0.2 kg
- Around 10 Fishing Nets and other pieces of Nets weighing 0.9 kg
- 4 medium thickness Plastic Ropes weighing around 0.2 kg

- Around 10 small sinkers and 2 hooks weighing a total of around 1 kg

- 2 Cloth fishing nets weighing around 0.1 kg

Entangled Animals

During both the dives, a significant number of entangled animals (~60 in each dive) were recovered. The majority animals recovered in the first dive included crabs and small fish. All of the small fish were already found dead. Few of the crabs managed to survive a few hours upon surfacing but eventually perished due to serious injuries such as DCS and lost limbs. During the second dive, loose chunks of barnacle growth and few molluscs such as clams and mussels were also recovered.

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