Temple Adventures Scuba Girls Weekend

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We want to encourage more girls & women to take up scuba diving as a hobby or even as profession. On the occasion of PADI Women's Dive Day, we invite you to learn new skills, exchange with others, make some new friends and, of course, DIVE! ??♂️
This is event is not exclusively for women, ???????? is welcome to participate in a weekend dedicated to female divers and ocean conservation.
???? ?? ?????! Get your BBQ ticket here.
➡️ Underwater Naturalist Course ?
Complete an Underwater Naturalist Course this weekend and get a ??% ???????? OR sign up for 2 new specialities* and take the Underwater Naturalist course for ????!
*????? ???????????? ??? ?? ????????? ??????? ????.
➡️ Dive Against Debris ?
Make your Fun Dive a Dive Against Debris and get a ??% ????????!
??? ???? 3500 ??? (????????? ????????? ?????? & ???).
All other fun dives this weekend will be 4500 INR (all included).
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Find a detailed schedule on our Facebook event page here.