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Last Clean-Up Dive of 2018

Willemstad, Netherlands Antilles

12.1036002, -68.9263884

Would you like to dive more often?
Would you like to make a difference?
Don't wait for the New Year to make resolutions, start now!

On Sunday, December 2nd, we're hosting our last clean-up dive of 2018. At 2:00 PM, we will gather at our dive center for a quick briefing, before grabbing our mesh bags and scissors and heading into the ocean to 'dive against debris'.

During our dive, we will collect as many plastic, bottles, fishing nets and other debris as we can. Every piece of plastic that we pick up and take out of the ocean is a positive step towards helping create a safer environment for wildlife and ourselves.

Dive equipment can be rented at a special discounted price:
US$ 25,- for a full set (instead of US$ 50)
US$ 10,- for air and weights.

Sign up at [email protected] or send us a PM.

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