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Coral Conservation (Virtual)

Coral Conservation Speciality Course
Ashwell, United Kingdom

52.715546475416, -0.72593082512018

Here is something to relieve the boredom of isolation.

During your time with us (virtually), we will cover through our classroom discussion

1. How coral reefs function and the complex nature of life on a reef.
2. Understand why coral reefs are so important.
3. Find out why many coral reefs are in serious trouble.
4. Learn what you can do to prevent further decline.
5. Find out How Project AWARE unites us all

The cost of the course is £65.00 (normally £75.00) and includes:-

• Certification card with Project AWARE designs
• £10 Donation to Project AWARE on your behalf
• If a Diver... then this speciality will count towards your Master Scuba Diver rating if a diver

Do not want the certification but want to find out more, then feel free to join for FREE

• People of all ages who have an interest in the environment

Drop Us an email at [email protected] and we will get you 'signed up' and connected to our new virtual world.

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