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Dive Against Debris Data Submission

St. Michael's Mount, Nr. Marazion, Cornwall, UK

19 September, 2015

Team Leader
Rob Thompson
Number of Participants
Total Debris Collected
5.21 kgs (measured)

50.1187, -5.477393

Survey Information

Location Name
St. Michael's Mount, Nr. Marazion, Cornwall, UK
Organization/Dive Centre
Dive Against Debris Volunteers UK
Marazion, Nr. Penzance
United Kingdom
19 September, 2015
Survey Duration
82 Minutes
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: 50.1187
Longitude: -5.477393
Weather Conditions
Mainly dry (Average of less than 1mm of rain/min)
Average wind speed: 7.6mph
Average temperature: 14.3 degrees C
Survey Depth Range
2–12.5 meters
Area Surveyed
39881 m2
Dominant Substrate
rocky reef
Wave Conditions
Calm (glassy to rippled) for waves 0 – 0.1 meter high
plastic materials collected
Bags-grocery/retail (plastic) 2
Caps & Lids (plastic) 1
Fishing: Lures, Rods/poles 1
Food Wrappers (plastic) 3
Sheeting: Tarpaulin, Plastic Sheets, Palette Wrap 1
Plastic Fragments 19
glass materials collected
Glass & Ceramic Fragments 4
Beverage Bottles (glass) 1
metal materials collected
Gas Bottles/cylinder, Drums-more Than 4 Liters 1
Metal Fragments 3
paper materials collected
Paper, Cardboard Fragments 1
mixed materials collected
Bricks, Cinderblocks & Chunks Of Cement 1
other materials collected
Tyre fragment (black rubber) 2
Plastic bag fragment 1
Plastic-coated 'Tetra-Pak' foil fragment 2
Baby/wet wipe 1
Scaffold clamp 1
Plastic-coated electric wire (see photo) 2
Ceramic wall tile 1
Fibreglass boat fragments 2
Plastic Traffic Warden penalty notice sleeve 1

Unidentified small black sealed box, with wire(?) protruding from the centre; heavy; possibly electrical(?) (see photo)

Plastic fragments; this site was remarkably clean considering its' massive appeal to tourists and the general Ghost Gear problem in the surrounding bay.

Plastic bags

Food wrappers

As there was relatively little debris, we had time to deduct the weight of the bags (which we don't usually do), for a more accurate debris weight. We were happily surprised at the cleanliness of this sight. We know that there is a lot of Ghost Gear out in the Bay and it is one of Cornwall's most iconic tourist destinations. So, it was lovely to find it so relatively unscathed. As the Debris Dive took place from the harbour steps, and there is no beach to speak of, we did not conduct a beach clean on this occasion. We did note that the shoreline looked to be free of debris.

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