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Dive Against Debris Data Submission

Sasamat Lake, White Pine Beach Port Moody British Columbia

22 September, 2012

Team Leader
Langley Diving - Robbin Knox
Number of Participants
Total Debris Collected
525 lbs (measured)

49.323933, -122.886844

Survey Information

Location Name
Sasamat Lake, White Pine Beach Port Moody British Columbia
Organization/Dive Centre
Langley Diving
Port Moody
22 September, 2012
Survey Duration
60 Minutes
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: 49.323933
Longitude: -122.886844
Weather Conditions
Sunny, clear temperature in low 20's C.
Survey Depth Range
5–18 meters
Area Surveyed
300 m2
Dominant Substrate
Fresh water lake
Wave Conditions
Calm (glassy to rippled) for waves 0 – 0.1 meter high
plastic materials collected
Balls 47
Beverage Bottles: 2 Litres Or More (plastic) 8
Beverage Bottles: Less Than 2 Litres (plastic) 74
Buoys & Floats (plastic & Foamed) 11
Caps & Lids (plastic) 27
Carpet (synthetic) 3
Cigarette Lighters 8
Cups, Plates, Forks, Knives, Spoons (plastic) 3
Fishing: Lures, Rods/poles 20
Fishing: Nets & Pieces Of Nets 2
Furnishings (plastic) 2
Pipes (plastic-PVC) 6
SCUBA & Snorkel Gear-masks, Snorkels, Fins 5
glass materials collected
Jars-food (glass) 1
Glass & Ceramic Fragments 50
Beverage Bottles (glass) 608
metal materials collected
Beverage Cans (aluminium) 1297
SCUBA Weights 12
cloth materials collected
Cloth Fragments 4
mixed materials collected
Bricks, Cinderblocks & Chunks Of Cement 3
Toys 7
other materials collected
Sunglasses 17
Cell phones 2

3 carpets - in a lake?

I tried to input my photos but it kept hanging my computer. If someone could contact me with instructions I will try and add them again.

Of the 608 bottles and 1,297 cans recovered, 607 bottles and 1,111 cans were alcohol containers. Alcohol is illegal at White Pines beach. The upside is that the recycled value of the bottles and cans, when added to the funds raised from the free-donation lunch totalled $537.41 for Project Aware!

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