XIX Giornata Nazionale della Sicurezza in Mare e fondali Puliti
Organization/Dive Centre
Lega Navale Italiana sez. TDG, Guardia Costiera di TDG, Comune di TDG, Istituto C. Colombo, Lega Ambiente Campania, Marevivo, Centro Subacqueo TDG, Arci Pesca FISA, Croce Rossa Italiana sez. Ercolano
A strange way to enjoy yourself.
Have you ever swum in a sea full of rubbish ?
It certainly doesn’t sound much fun, but this was the reality on 26th May 2017 at the Torre del Greco Harbour, near Naples, Italy.
On May 26th during the 19th National Day of Safety at Sea and Cleaned Seabed ( Project Aware) , the “C. Colombo”Maritime High School students met at the harbour to clean up the rubbish in the sea, supported by national aaritime Associations, harbour authorities and the Municipality.
A relevant role has been played by “Project Aware” which put together divers, students and authorities to attend the cleaning of Torre del Greco Harbour ’s seabed from debris.
Among the volunteers were Divers from the local diving association. The largest part of the clean up was done beneath the waves with the help from teams of students alongside the divers.
The overall outcome of the day was 400 Kgs of rubbish being collected. We found aluminum tins, many glass bottles, plastic bags, tires and a large number of unknown objects as well.
At the end of the day the Municipality and all the Authorities appreciated the collaboration of all the students and the other associations for cleaning up the seabed and for increasing the awareness of a cleaner sea.
In conclusion, we have learnt to consider the sea as a resource that should have been protected and will continue to be protected from this day forward.
From the My Ocean Community
My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.