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Dive Against Debris Data Submission

Parque las piedras

14 December, 2021

Team Leader
Pato Cartelli
Number of Participants
Total Debris Collected
25 kgs (measured)

-42.734250298196, -65.033745469633

Survey Information

Location Name
Parque las piedras
Organization/Dive Centre
Bucea Hoy - Dive Today
Puerto Madryn
14 December, 2021
Survey Duration
40 Minutes
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: -42.734250298196
Longitude: -65.033745469633
Weather Conditions
good conditions
Survey Depth Range
4–5 meters
Area Surveyed
100 m2
Dominant Substrate
rocky reef
Wave Conditions
Calm (glassy to rippled) for waves 0 – 0.1 meter high
metal materials collected
Aerosol/spray Cans 1
Beverage Cans (aluminium) 1
rubber materials collected
Gloves (rubber) 1
cloth materials collected
Gloves (cloth) 1
other materials collected
Undaria 23 kilos

we were suprized about de non stop cycle of the undaria, Its cycle is generally between June and early December, but yesterday's survey was still very advanced in invasion (it is not a native species) we have removed a large amount for analysis and shows as they had fungal encrustations


undaria invation, plastic bags

AN incredible day of awareness, learning and work, together with the dive against debris course, together with Sales force Argentina

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