monofilament fishing line - careless fishermen fishing right on top of shallow living coral reef.
ghost lobster traps and lines - careless commercial fishermen who do not keep tabs on their traps.
lost boat anchors and line - inexperienced boaters who do not know proper anchoring techniques.
Comments and Feedback
Sadly we did come across a Tractor Trailer tire/wheel filled with concrete & line attached - and dropped onto the reef by someone making their own mooring buoy. The concrete had 2 baby star corals budding on it - but we know the tire rubber is a hazard to the surrounding marine environment. We did not have proper means to try to lift this from the bottom of the ocean and need more education on the tire rubber vs coral growth on concrete they filled the center of the wheel with. It is quite the eye sore to see this ugly thing laying there and wish more humans were educated on the harm they do.
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