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Dive Against Debris Data Submission

Bannerfish Bay

26 February, 2019

Team Leader
John Hauxwell
Number of Participants
Total Debris Collected
10 kgs (estimated)

28.498185, 34.518302

Survey Information

Location Name
Bannerfish Bay
Organization/Dive Centre
H2O Divers
26 February, 2019
Survey Duration
45 Minutes
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: 28.498185
Longitude: 34.518302
Weather Conditions
Calm for the last 5 days. Moderate to high winds early in the week.
Survey Depth Range
1–28 meters
Area Surveyed
500 m2
Dominant Substrate
Wave Conditions
Smooth (wavelets) for waves 0.1 - 0.5 meter high
plastic materials collected
Balls 1
Beverage Bottles: Less Than 2 Litres (plastic) 1
Caps & Lids (plastic) 5
Carpet (synthetic) 1
Cups, Plates, Forks, Knives, Spoons (plastic) 2
Food Wrappers (plastic) 1
Gloves (latex) 1
SCUBA & Snorkel Gear-masks, Snorkels, Fins 2
Tobacco Packaging & Wrappers 1
Plastic Fragments 21
Cigarette Filters 62
Strapping Bands (plastic) 1
glass materials collected
Glass & Ceramic Fragments 8
metal materials collected
Caps & Lids (metal) 3
Pull Tabs-beverages 2
Metal Fragments 2
rubber materials collected
Rubber Bands 1
cloth materials collected
Cloth Fragments 20
paper materials collected
Cardboard: Packaging & Cartons 1
Paper, Cardboard Fragments 5
mixed materials collected
Clothing 1

University half term break a couple of weeks ago saw an influx of people to Dahab.

Bedouin hair braid, made from embroidery thread (with hair still attached!) and a sock

Cigarette filters

wraps from plastic water bottles

bottle caps

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