Inflatable plastic chair. The large chair could be used by an adult recreationally for floating on the sea, lake or pool.
glass beverage containers represented about 64% of the debris removed today.
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Open water dives for course OW-2020-006 were cancelled the previous weekend due to the remnants of a tropical storm on Saturday and almost zero visibility on Sunday. The four ladies on the course worked up a schedule so we could get them all completed over the next couple of weeks. On September 27 two of four, Catie Y and Tara S finished up their open water dives. Great job. They also completed their drysuit diver certification. For those not familiar with piggy backing the drysuit course on the open water diver course you need to know that they do six confined water dives instead of five and five open water dives instead of four. Besides practicing the skill of diving there is one skill that stands out on the fifth dive, disconnect and reconnect the drysuit LPI whip. Then we tour. I like to throw in some u/w nav skills and when appropriate, a dive against debris. The ladies for up for that today, in a big way! As was DMT Dwain N. Their mission was to navigate a square and load up the capture bag with debris. A bag normally used for the responsible harvesting sea and Icelandic scallops. Our start/end spot was clearly marked. Their navigation was spot on. As was their assault on the debris. Dwain managed the collection and lift bag. The ladies multi tasked well. They knocked off training skills, navigation and collected a sack full of debris. Funny thing, of all the dives where one might expect the bottom to be stirred up the most, they stirred this up the least. The girls demonstrated strong trim and buoyancy skills. Lots to be proud of today. Great job gang.
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