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Dive Against Debris Data Submission

ADS305 - House Reef

2 October, 2018

Team Leader
Kim Timmers
Number of Participants
Total Debris Collected
1.43 kgs (measured)

28.142024707153, -16.438237805742

Survey Information

Location Name
ADS305 - House Reef
Organization/Dive Centre
Tenerife Diving Academy
2 October, 2018
Survey Duration
26 Minutes
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: 28.142024707153
Longitude: -16.438237805742
Weather Conditions
Good, calm, sunny, low wind and waves
Survey Depth Range
3–13 meters
Area Surveyed
150 m2
Dominant Substrate
rocky reef
Wave Conditions
Smooth (wavelets) for waves 0.1 - 0.5 meter high
plastic materials collected
Bait Containers, Packaging 1
Caps & Lids (plastic) 4
Fishing: Line 3
Fishing: Lures, Rods/poles 1
Food Wrappers (plastic) 2
Sheeting: Tarpaulin, Plastic Sheets, Palette Wrap 1
Straws, Stirrers 2
Plastic Fragments 46
Cigarette Filters 53
Strapping Bands (plastic) 9
glass materials collected
Glass & Ceramic Fragments 2
metal materials collected
Caps & Lids (metal) 12
Forks, Knives, Spoons (cutlery) 1
Wire, Wire Mesh & Barbed Wire 2
Wrappers (foil/metal) 1
Metal Fragments 3
Fishing: Sinkers, Lures, Hooks 10
rubber materials collected
Rubber Bands 1
cloth materials collected
Rope And String (cloth) 6
Cloth Fragments 9
paper materials collected
Paper, Cardboard Fragments 4

Fishing boat inside the bay, in Marine Protected Area!!

Spoon (metal) and bed sheet

Cigarette butts

Fishing line

Fishing hooks

Project AWARE Team, it was great to meet you in Bristol, keep doing your great work!

Very low tide, harder to enter the water.

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