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Dive Against Debris Data Submission

ACE Wreck, San Clemente, CA

19 May, 2019

Team Leader
David Mansfield
Number of Participants
Total Debris Collected
84 lbs (estimated)

33.39152217791, -117.67411946655

Survey Information

Location Name
ACE Wreck, San Clemente, CA
Organization/Dive Centre
Beach Cities Scuba Centers
Dana Point
United States
19 May, 2019
Survey Duration
72 Minutes
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: 33.39152217791
Longitude: -117.67411946655
Weather Conditions
Cloudy with scattered rains. Winds during the afternoons. Storms rolling through the area headed for the Midwest. Day of dive was overcast with light rains.
Survey Depth Range
75–121 feet
Area Surveyed
1800 ft2
Dominant Substrate
Wave Conditions
Smooth (wavelets) for waves 0.1 - 0.5 meter high
plastic materials collected
Bags: Trash (plastic) 1
Beverage Bottles: Less Than 2 Litres (plastic) 2
Buoys & Floats (plastic & Foamed) 1
Fishing: Line 22
Fishing: Lures, Rods/poles 19
Fishing: Nets & Pieces Of Nets 2
glass materials collected
Beverage Bottles (glass) 3
rubber materials collected
Rubber Fragments 2
cloth materials collected
Bags (burlap) 1
Rope And String (cloth) 44
Towels/rags 1
Cloth Fragments 1

Weather took down the ACE wreck about 9 years ago and the materials on this wreck are still present. It is virtually untouched. Over the years, fishermen have decorated the wreck in fishing line, lures, anchors, anchor lines, beer bottles and much more.

Electronics and all of the debris found on that day are still there. Oddest found so far is the wallet of the captain.

The fishing lines

The fishing net. It is wrapped and at it's safest right now. But, it will need to be brought up.

The fishing lures, they pose a hazard to divers for sure.

We've been diving the ACE for years, but the debris is getting worse and not improving. The divers have decided that it is time to take action and get the lines off this wreck and preserve the massive amount of aquatic life that has used it as a home. It is literally a living reef system now covered in sea anemones and fish.

We are planning to clean up this wreck over time. June 15, July 13, August 25 are the next dates. Getting a commercial unit to come in and help as well.

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