XTC Dive Center Receives PADI's Green Star Award!!
XTC Dive Center set a New Year's resolution of achieving the rating of PADI's Green Star Award and can now proudly announce our success! As of September 11th, 2012, XTC Dive Center is now a Green Star Award facility.
What is the Green Star Award??
The Green Star Award identifies businesses that cares about the environment and are taking an active role to protect it.
How does a business obtain a Green Star Award??
Each business must undergo an environmental assessment and must score more than 200 points to receive this rating. XTC Dive Center scored over 300 points and is currently implementing further plans to continue to make our business even better!
Over this past year, XTC underwent changes in procedures, all new construction was evaluated for eco-friendliness methods and designs, and we are continuing to re-evaluate our methods to make as many feasible changes as possible to protect our local and global environment.
If you have any questions about our diving, course, excursions or hotel, please contact us at [email protected]
or check out our website www.xtcdivecenter.com
or find our Facebook Page XTC Dive Center
Thanks to all of our hard working staff who have made this award possible!