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Hi XTC Fans,
This is CJ, one of the Diving Instructors at XTC.

As I lay across the front of the bow, the waves passing beneath me, the water so crystal clear that I could see everything I had this most wonderful feeling of being a small child. I had just experienced one of the best diving moments of my life. I had been just diving with dolphins! Perhaps as many as 20, there was one that even had a baby beside it :-) Our boat captain kept circling us and we were able to watch the dolphins bow riding from underneath the water. Listening to them squeeing and clicking to one another at the fun game they were having. We were able to share their joy for about 10 or 15 minutes. It has taken me over 3000 dives to have that students were on their 3rd! Aahh well, we all deserve those child-like experiences in our lives. I am thankful for that moment in time and that gift from the ocean in our lives.

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