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The unfortunate SUCCESS


When planning an event on a small island it is a good idea to notify every agency that you may cross paths with. The past few weeks have been spent meeting with many Government Officials and Heads of Departments.

Our focus with our most recent clean up efforts was a site in the north of the island called Carrs' Bay. Our main challenge to tackle was a 2m high pile of glass bottles.

We planned our clean up event for Saturday and after a number of meetings and discussions of safety with willing volunteers in the week prior we found we had our 'unfortunate success'.

We were told by Department of Environmental Health that they would help us arrange a truck for removal, however when we arrived to inspect the site the day before the event. The looming tower of glass bottles had vanished rendering our job a little lighter!

This leads me to think there is something about building an awareness. We had advertised our event on social media and a number of people were weary to show up for the clean-up at all, with this dangerous mound of glass to tackle. Is this what prompted a change of heart?

All I can say is that I am incredibly pleased that 'an eyesore that has been a problem for years' has now been removed. That, and the 300kg of mixed waste we found along the shore line. Every piece counted and weighed, just as we would do with a Dive Against Debris, it will all be presented to the local Government.

26 helpers showed up to help us clean up the beach; local residents, visitors and tourists from all walks of life. Some hoping to dive, but with a big swell from the north, we unfortunately couldn't enter the water today. People gave the time they could spare and every little helped to make a difference.

We are greatful to every single person who was involved in this weekends event, we shall be looking forward to more people joining us in the future until there is no litter left to clean away.

From the My Ocean Community

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