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Freedivers Against Debris


Ever feel loaded down with the weight of someone elses trash? Me too! Every month Montserrat island Dive Centre visits our adopted Dive Site and divers are always disappointed when they have to head back to shore; too much to carry, not enough air, so many reasons. We found a way to help us combat this problem.

Every dive, so long as we have at least 2 divers on SCUBA, we like to take along a Freediver and this is why...

  • As a scout! Directing Scuba Divers towards the most littered areas on the reef. It is often difficult to see which pockets of reef are most cluttered with trash from the sea floor, but with a Freediver snorkeling overhead, they get a full view of the reef layout and can dive down to direct their Scuba buddies in the best direction.
  • As a collection assistant. It gets hard to dive with sacks of water logged waste, so each of our buddy teams carry a lift bag. Once their load gets too much, they send them up to a floating station being towed by the Freediver. Leaving hands free to start filling another sack!
  • As a photographer! Whilst buddy teams are focussing on the Dive Against Debris the well organised Freediver can nip down to get great action shots from many different perspectives.

Having a Freediver on hand at our Dive Against Debris event has turned out to be a massive help. It means the reef is cleared up as efficiently as we can all manage and it gets the most out of a small team on the reef!

Give it a go, find yourself an aptly trained PADI Freediver!


To find out about our next Dive Against Debris and Beach Clean Up check out our facebook page Montserrat Island Dive Centre or drop us an email[email protected]

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